Blogging your Filmmaking Process

I wanted to see how many of you document your filmmaking process online. I'd say most people probably turn to Twitter because it's less time consuming and quite convenient.

I think a blog would be a good way to promote your productions too. Plus, it's always fun to read about other productions and see them go from the writing process to filming and then editing. I guess it's like a film journal, and you can look back at it in the future to relive your previous filming journeys.

I use Tumblr as my primary blog, though it's mostly photography and mindless posts.

Soon, I'm planning to set up a Wordpress account strictly for writing. What I plan to do is publish and share short stories there, then if I get positive feedback, turn them into screenplays and then produce the short films. I'll have to check the limitations of Wordpress though - I'd want to categorize posts (short stories, screenplays, filming logs,...etc.).

Do you keep a blog to write about your filmming process? I'd love to check some out. Also, any Tumblr or Wordpress users here?