Consumer Cam Limitations


I have some questions about the abilities of a camera. I can get my hands on a Canon ZR70mc ( to do a short film and am wondering if I will be able to get professional quality out of it. I plan on shooting no low light shots and doing minimal zooming (I plan on dollying instead). Also, I am going to try to record sound on two iphones, one with a shotgun mic and one with a hidden lapel mic so I am not worried about the sound on the cam.

how does one interface a shotgun mic to an Iphone?

The camera has some decent manual controls, you can set the shutter speed, and maybe tweak the exposure a bit. Good things to have..
It has "MIC in" which is a plus, though you seem to have something else in mind..(recording to the camera would be best with external mics.. but your the boss!)
And manual focus, another good thing..

It seems to require a special firewire cable (not standard one) which lends me to worry about how easy its going to be to get the video INTO the computer....

If your buying it, Id say pass and find something that has a normal iLink interface, but if your getting it for free, you cant beat that!

Now go make a movie!