Looking for Film making marketing books - help!

I have read basic and international marketing books, but I was wondering, does anyone know of any good marketing books directed solely at film making?

Especially web marketing and international marketing for film?

Any help here is much appreciated - thanks!!!!
there is this book by

mark steven bosko - the complete independent film-marketing handbook
chris gore - ultimate film festival guide

hope these help

film marketing book

Working as a film publicist I've found the following book to be extremely helpful:

Marketing to Moviegoers: A Handbook of Strategies and Tactics, Second Edition

by Robert Marich

Also, if you have the time and cash, courses through UCLA Extension online or on-site are really good and helpful, providing you with tons of information you can take with you and use in your work. I recently took a short filmmaking and marketing course online and learned a lot -- I have dozens and dozens of pages I printed out with endless resources I'll probably be using for years.

Good luck!