how to about it

hello all its been awhile since i posted due to looking for a job and working on projects.............
with that in mind i have a question... i have a finished script after 2 and half years of rying to perfect it i finally have it done, im bout to use that new Scenechronize site to help with some things but need to know what can i do to help hype it im already apart of ********* and have it linked to my facebook and as well and am writing a business plan and redoing the budget as well and am planning fundraisers to raise money for the film as i want to shoot in july or early aug so i can b done before my birthday. this film is a 2 location feature with a lil bit of outside shots as well so i guess basically my next question is what else do i need to do...........

ps my camera is a panasonic handheld HDD camera for now but hopin to get another one with my income tax return

would appreciate all advice especially looking foe Alcove Audio and all the other primier members too to weigh in on this as well everyone else