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watch Rave in a Car

It’s undoubtedly simple (Which is okay), the shots and editing aren’t bad for what it is, but over all I like that you tapped into some reckless abandon energy in it. It might be a niche element to some music styles or music video styles, but I have seen plenty of videos that should have that “energy” yet don’t.

It would be fun to see that craziness placed into some visual storyline, and characters, like:

The crew is walking towards the camera down a long alley in slow motion.
Freeze on each character, their nick name is shown in text.

The crew stands looking at something with determination.
The guy in the crew with shades looks to the other guys on his left.
They nod.
Then to the guys on his right.
They nod.
He pushes up his shades and they all go towards what they were looking at.
The reverse reveals it’s a library.

Inside "Shades" pushes some fake coke bottle nerd glasses up on his nose.
He holds out and points to an open book at the check out desk to create a distraction.

Two other of the crew whisper to people who nod.
Two other of the crew somehow barricade the door.
One of the crew lifts a boom box from a book bag and sets in on the table, then flips it on.
Head banging commences.

Establishing shot of a grocery store.
At the service desk one of the crew holds up a Speak and Spell to the store’s intercom mic.
Mayhem is serious, that is correct.”
A few customers look around like “WTF!?” hearing it.

Down an aisle comes two of the crew pushing shopping carts, in each cart another of the crew riding in it.
In front of them one crew guy walks with the boom box.
All head banging.

Then the old folks home blah blah blah. Kind of Guy Ritchie/Beastie Boys.

Obviously this type of story line might be impractical or flat out impossible for you to pull off, but it demonstrates the kind of story line I personally think would be fun to see the energy you guys are bringing to be shown through.
Maybe a storyline where you kid nap a nerdy driving instructor?
