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watch Commercial

let me know what you think

huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..... ok...... were to start.......

I think you do not sell the product ( fail #1 )

I think there's no concept that strike my imagination or short term memory ( fail #2)

It's a commercial I will forget in the next minute.

I don't event remember the product, so it officially fail. for me.

You have to be conscious of the sharpness of good ads these days, were are not in 1970 anymore. If your ad can't compete with the best ad out there, basically it fail.

Sorry, but's true........ I think :)
Well, while I will not tell you that you fail, because I believe one learns better with positive re-enforcement. I will say it does need work.

I can see you were trying to work with a concept, which is good. I do feel the concept wasn't thought out enough. I would have pitched it to a few people and knocked around a few scripts before being set on anything.

I would've studied some more commercials as well. Look at what the competition is doing, study who your audience is. I think jumping into a project is a good thing but so is some research.

I also noticed you need to work on your productions skills. Lighting, shooting, editing, sound design. These are all very critical for a great commercial. I did notice that pacing wasn't to bad. One thing a lot of indie filmmakers struggle with is pacing. They can't see to let shots and scenes hit the editing room floor. They struggle with getting enough angles and cutting enough. You didn't do to bad on this. You still do need some work but not to bad overall on the pacing aspect.

Otherwise way to go. Some people don't even get this far, they just talk and talk, so good job. Take this as a learning experience. Good luck.
Take this as a learning experience

Admitting you failed is the most effective way to learn. Yes is hard on the ego and on the will. But at the end real learning is there, when the bubble POP and you face reality of your failure and you start over with the mind set that next time you will not fail.