I LOVE movies!

Hi everyone!

Today I am deflowering myself as this is my first time on a forum EVER!

My entire world revolves around movies, my one and true passion. I work as the Art Director for Spirafilm, an independant filmmaker coop in Canada that makes professionnal shooting equipment available to independant directors that wish to make movies outside of the regular pattern of Canadian productions (which are founded by the state). I also work as a producer on short films and video clips in my spare time, which is awsome! I also have a radio show in the city where I lived called L'Abattoir (yes, I'm on of those French Canadians) that airs twice a week, making me somewhat of a Jungle Julia.

I LOVE all aspect of movies, particularely cinematography, storytelling, editing and art direction. As much as I love being a part of making movies, my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE is watching movies, and projecting myself in different emotions, YES!


No igloos where I live, but unfortunatly not enough specialized movie theatres neither ;)

I'm really intresting in learning more about producing right now, can anyone suggest books to read to aquire knowledge on the subject?