posting screenplay online...

It's been registered with the copyright office.

The screenplay/project targets a special interest group. The purpose for this is to get them interested in the project, generate hype and support. Also in hopes of building an audience base and early marketing for the project. SAVVY? RISKY?

What do some of you think?
Some people post their scripts on sites like I can't help but think some of the "producers" that look at scripts on there might be looking for ideas to steal. You can't copyright an idea. At least InkTip supposedly keeps record of who looks at what scripts.

I know of someone who told me that a show on comedy central allegedly stole some of his ideas. If you can't trust a network as high profile as CC then who can you trust without a written agreement?
It's a tough call.
It's up to you! It is registered with LOC so you now have the ability to sue if you can afford a lawyer if someone steals it.
I try to stay on the side of caution with posting screenplays online, personally. I agree with Indietalk though. If it's registered safe and sound, if you can afford a lawyer should your idea suddenly appear elsewhere and if it's something you really want to do then I say go for it.