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watch A New Zealand inner city story

Hey guys Im a film student from New Zealand, I made this film mostly as a tongue in cheek style piss-take about how you never actually see what goes on you just get a sugar coated version of the truth.
Also it turned out quite hilarious.
Just interested to see if people from different counties will actually "get it", don't be afraid to criticize let me know what you think honestly, Im a big boy I can take it. :D

I don't know if 'hilarious' would be the word I would use because in truth you could truly make an awesome documentary on the seedy side of town.

The thing that bothered me was there was an echo in the sound.

In one scene you had the man in black sitting down at a desk beside a table lamp but his face was too shadowy...and to be honest I didn't get the corolation between the story and the guy jumping around behind a stone fixture wearing a bike helmut. Now I gather thats suppose to be humours but I don't get all humor (although I am a big Dumb and Dumber fan). The music was good but you used the same bit for every scene.

I liked the druggie charactor and he looked the part and did his part well. I liked the shots of the graffiti but didn't like all the hand held motion - so a tripod would help or a stabilizer...to avoid the shakiness.
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I don't know if 'hilarious' would be the word I would use because in truth you could truly make an awesome documentary on the seedy side of town.

The thing that bothered me was there was an echo in the sound.

In one scene you had the man in black sitting down at a desk beside a table lamp but his face was too shadowy...and to be honest I didn't get the corolation between the story and the guy jumping around behind a stone fixture wearing a bike helmut. Now I gather thats suppose to be humours but I don't get all humor (although I am a big Dumb and Dumber fan). The music was good but you used the same bit for every scene.

I liked the druggie charactor and he looked the part and did his part well. I liked the shots of the graffiti but didn't like all the hand held motion - so a tripod would help or a stabilizer...to avoid the shakiness.

Cool man cheers.
To be totally honest I made this whole thing in less than 2 days for a project that was due at university, the sound hasnt been EQ'd at all or anything so thats why it was a bit crap.
As for the humour , I come from the same country as Flight of the Conchords we laugh at stupid shit lol.
P.S. The 'druggie character' is me haha cheers , maybe I should take up acting. :)