Using music recorders?

This is probably a silly question, but is it feasible to use Tascam DP-02CF/similar products as audio recording devices for movies?
Most of those types of devices need AC power so they could not be used in the field. They also have lots of features that would be of no use when doing production sound; you don't need the tuner, metronome or digital effects. File transfers would be problematical as well. The DP-02 looks like a good deal, but it's aimed at low/no/micro budget musicians who can't afford a computer. And at $300, considering all of the supposed features it offers, what kind of quality do you think you will get?
have to agree with Alcove...

i am sure the preamps in this thing are crap and noise in cheap faders, and taking a quick look it is only 44.1 KH at 16bit. i wouldnt touch anything that could not do 48kh/14bit Poly/BWF

and at 300. i dont think it can so the things it says it can do with any quality at all.

its like the question i always see here " whats a good mic for 200. ?" there is none. the question should be does a 200. mic work? answer: yes, but not very well.

i understand that you need to start somewhere when wanting to get equipment. but that is just taking good money and throwing it away.

if you need to do good sound, there are two options. 1.hire a soundperson that owns good equipment. or 2. use that money to rent something good.

if you want to become a sound mixer. DO NOT BUY the 200. mic to get started. it sucks and you wont do good sound to get you a good job down the line. and you will end up with that mic in the trash. or a recorder like that tascam. you are better off renting equipment again, start a relationship with a rental house that also sells equipment. that way down the line you might get first grabs at some rental equipment they may want to sell and used equipment that others mixers are dumping to get the new toys coming on the market.

you are going to starve for a while...get used to it. unless you have a ton of cash to spend to get you started and your rent paid for a year.

and remember, sound is a never ending money pit. full of repairs and new gear all the time. if you are good, you will more than get back what you spend on your gear over the life of the equipment and some items you will have for a lifetime. so it is always well spent money when you buy the right gear.
Thanks for the response and info Dave... I am actually very much all about the investing money in quality/paying sound artists for their expertise. I'm just kind of an idiot and doing a very large project for a pretty much comical amount of money. Yes, I should wait till I have more money, yes I should be sinking my resources into another short.... but my view is it's all a learning experience, and I'm learning A LOT working on a feature already.

Okay, I'm way rambling. Moral of the story, I'm really really trying not to be a moron with sound, & I'm trying to negotiate hiring a pro. Buuuut, if I have to be a moron I don't want to be the dumbest moron on the block ; p.

I very much appreciate the feedback on all this... often I can look at the $200 mic and know it's prolly not right, but it's super helpful to hear from pros on what exactly is not right about it. GREAT learning opportunity, so thanks again! :D
HZ, I'm not sure how the audio gurus feel about this device, but I've had great luck using the Zoom H4 in the field and indoors. It has phantom power, track logging, can run on double A batteries, etc. making it an ideal small audio recorder for filmmakers. and can be had for close to your $200 budget. I've even used the on-board mics to get great location background audio.
Gonzo, that is not a lot to spend on a recorder...and that one is really not a bad machine for the small indie person. only drawback is no timecode, and only records to flash ( no drive to back up). if i were thinking of being a soundperson, this would not be a recorder i would chose to be my first.

BUT...for someone wanting a recorder for just doing small film work every now and then and wants to own all the quipment, this is a good chose.
Thanks for the suggestions Uranium & Gonzo!

As an aside... does anyone else find audio and video equipment to be like, more attractive than super models?