Discussion participants for a video: How much would you pay?


I am planning to shoot a video where I will have 4 guests and a host or facilitator who will talk about pre-selected topics. I'd like the final video to be about an hour so I'm planning to shoot for 2-3 hours. These are just candid discussions (similar to if you and your friends were sitting comfortably in your living room, sipping wine and talking about life). The host is there to read the pre-definied questions and to keep the discussions from going into left field.

*These are just regular folks. Not professional actors. Meaning I plan to put an ad out just for the average Joe to answer.*

How much would you pay the guests?

How much would you pay the host?

What is this for?

Are you interviewing these folks so that you are advertising for them? Free advertising is worth their just being there and so you shouldn't have to pay the guests anything. This viewpoint comes from a person who was in television news for years. We never paid the guests to come in and do an interview.

I am assuming that your host is going to be a spokesperson of some sort. If so, I guess you would pay them, but I couldn't tell you how much....

-- spinner :cool:
This is a project I'm producing on my own. It is a video where I'm going to have 4 people having discussions about topics I've already chosen and prepared questions for. I was wondering how much I should pay them to participate in these discussions while I film them. It will later be released on DVD. The host will be hired based on their energy level. I will teach them how to be a good facilitator. So I'm not planning to hire a professional host. I do expect to pay the host more than the guests however. I do want to have them introduce themselves but it isn't for them to tell the world about their business or lives. I'm going to put an ad in the local Craigslist for guests and hosts. I want regular folks, it's a part of the "feel" of the project.


*** I've given this more thought. Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong. Should I simply put out an invitation for people who would like to participate? Sort of like they do with talk shows? And then just pay a host? What do you think?
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*** I've given this more thought. Perhaps I'm going about this all wrong. Should I simply put out an invitation for people who would like to participate? Sort of like they do with talk shows? And then just pay a host? What do you think?

It all depends on what you want. By just inviting people to be in front of a camera may atract a lot of attention seekers and strangers. If you want a serious discussion I would be specific about the topics. It is more likly that people with some kind of knowledge turn up.