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Eternity Realized


New to this, so here goes. I have a short screenplay written by me and completed two years ago, I've been hounded to do something with it by the people who have read it. It's about love through the eyes of a man, how it starts, what will he do to get it, what he'll do to keep, and protect that love.
See if you can see some of yourself, or someone you love or know in the words of the story, I'll bet you can.

TITLED: Eternity Realized
GENRE: Romance/Supernateral-Drama
LENGTH: 16 Pages

LOGLINE: Is love a random thing? Is there love at first sight? Do you feel, you know the one you love more than you do?

When a person who’s truly in love passes, that love is carried with them and it travels, following the ones they loved, and when that person passes the love or feelings are reunited. Then they travel through time together until one finds a compatible body and spirit, then it enter that body carrying some memories, but the love is always the strongest feeling.
Depending on the person’s position or time in their life, the feelings or memories will show themselves at different times, but once the other spirit finds a compatible host they will seek out each other and depending on the host’s will and situation they, ( the host) feel something and act upon that feeling soon to love again.
If the will is to strong one spirit leaves and attempts to find another host.

A strong love travels through time for an . . . . . . . Eternity.

So enjoy your love, it was meant to be.
Be good to each other someday you’ll see,
Your love will last an eternity.

The things that you do and see,
I want you to know are a part of me.
The things that you do and see,
Will help someone else through eternity.

Eternity we’ll travel . . . this we do,
To place in your hands a love so true.

If you're interested contact me at, spiritsixfire@yahoo.com
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