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Aspiring screenwriting offering services for practice.

Hello. I'm new to the forum and have had a strong desire to start screenwriting. I've always been a good storyteller and I'm hoping to transition that to screenwriting. I'm really just trying to build up my skills as a screenwriter right now. If anyone is in need of a writer to develop a concept, I'm willing to work for little pay or a simple screen credit. I also have several script ideas (short and feature length) that I'm willing to share. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm hoping I can find success here. Thank you.
I'm a producer/director always looking for great story ideas.

I'm not willing to pay you to build your skills as a screenwriter, but I'm
willing to read any pitches you have. If you have something I can use
we can work out a deal.

Welcome to indietalk!
Hello. I'm new to the forum and have had a strong desire to start screenwriting. I've always been a good storyteller and I'm hoping to transition that to screenwriting. I'm really just trying to build up my skills as a screenwriter right now. If anyone is in need of a writer to develop a concept, I'm willing to work for little pay or a simple screen credit. I also have several script ideas (short and feature length) that I'm willing to share. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm hoping I can find success here. Thank you.

Welcome! Everyone has to start somewhere (same with me!). My only advice would be to make sure you focus on your characters. Too many writers, and this goes with literary and film writers, focus on the plot too much and pay only token attention to character development.

The odds are that for most stories the plot isn't any good anyways, and then you basically have an unwatchable movie. Even if you have a very good plot, people won't keep interest if you are simply taking them from point A to B.

The characters are the window into the story through which the audience looks. If they are identifiable, and someone a viewer can either care about or hate, chances are you have a good movie. If the plot is great, your movie will be great. Even a mediocre story can be saved by good characters and good acting. The reverse is not really true.

Good luck in your endeavors!