Interested in Collaboration

Hey everyone,

Yes its me again ready to offer my services. Now, as I explained in my introduction message, I may be new to the film industry, but I am a veteran to writing. Just an f.y.i., writing is not something I do because I have to...wait a minute, yes it is, just in different terms of what you're thinking. I don't write because someone is forcing me to, I write because its such a passion with me to learn how to creatively arrange words differently on a page. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I am one of the greatest storytellers of all. Now with that being said, I was wondering if anyone out there either themselves need or knows someone else who may both need and want to collaborate with another writer and create magic on page. Just let me know and I would be honored to help.

yours truly,

Triple Threat
Hi there.

I for one would definitely like to collaborate with another writer as I'm trying to get directing experience as well as write, but alas, never have the time. I have a pretty good idea at the moment I would like to co-write into a feature-length script, so I'd be more than happy to work with other people on it. What do you say?:yes:
Hey Driver71Film

Hey Driver71,

I just got your message and if you are willing to collaborate with someone who is driven to write and writes with a passion, then I'm your partner! Just let me know how and when you want to go about getting started because I am the type of person that is not a procrastinator and love to jump right in, so to speak. A lot of family and friends call me a risk taker...whatever I just believe in order to get results, you have to make them happen, they are not just gonna happen by themselves.

Your truly,

Triple Threat
Group script

I'm actually working with 5 other people to create a script for a play to be produced this Summer (2008). It is quite a process and fairly rewarding in person. I'm not sure how well it will work online. BUT, I'd like to be involved. It can get lonely writing and I would enjoy the interactions. I've completed two on my own and am part way through my third. So this group write on number four is real different.

Let me know if you want to proceed.
Yes, absolutely. I was meant to be posting a synopsis, which I haven't got around to, but I will post e-mail something soon. Does anyone use celtx screenwriting software?
Hi Tameka,

I'm an aspiring film director lookinf for a screenplay which is suitable to be shot in cinema verite style. Im wanting to collaborate with people all around the world to create a masterpiece that has worldwide flavour and input (if that makes any sense.) If you're interested flick me an email.