Slugging it out

Hey folks,I havent logged on to this great site for quite a while.I have a general question for who ever may be so kind.I came home from the Middle East this year and have been clawing my way through editing my first documentary for months.(And I thought it would be easy).Now that I almost have the doc. itself complete I am looking forward to turning it into a DVD (Both sony vegas,and first time learning)DVD seems to be hell to learn but its probably simpler than it initialy apears.At least I hope.Oh yeah,my question is - OK my doc is done,hopefully its not to awful for a first timer,then what?What do you do with it?Things I hear or read about are web site,myspace ect.,,,find an agent to try to shop it around?Also I wasnt counting on the "numbness" after staring at it so long.How do you know if it completely sucks or not?I hear this is common.Last question is,lets say its good.Realisticly,is there even a remote chance of putting bread on the table with it?Thanks guys and Happy Holidays!
If your documentary is as good as your avatar, you've got nothing to fear!

I wish I had used Vegas, but having mastered many DVDs, I can say that they can be as simple or as complex as you want to make them. I think you are correct in your assessment. The instructions have to cover things like multiple languages/sound tracks, multiple camera angles, scripts, nested menus, animated menus, looping menu audio, etc., etc. In the simplest case, you can have your documentary auto-play and loop so you need no menu at all. In another simple case, you could have a simple, static menu with one or two buttons that play tracks which return to the menu when finished. That is very easy to setup.

As far as distribution, the only wisdom I can give you there is that you'll need a UPC # for your DVD if you're going to sell it through I've done that, and I've done some self distribution. I am, by no stretch, the expert in marketing/distribution.

Welcome back!